Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Introducing Nursling #2

Hello Dear Boobuicers and Friends!

I only have a minute, but I wanted to announce that I am once again officially a boobjuicer, as Ms. Jacqueline made her debut Sunday 9/18 at 5:24 pm. She was a whopping 9 pounds 3 oz and was born super fast - I woke up feeling like something was different, figured I had tons of time, went to the grocery store (in retrospect, this was perhaps an error), and came home feeling like, nope, this means business. My cervix disappeared fast but we had to push for a couple hours, and she came out sideways. So if anyone would like to explain to me how exactly I pushed out a 9 lb baby sideways with no drugs, I'm all ears. Holy crap. Anyway I'm feeling pretty good - sore where you would think I would be sore after that, couple stitches, but waaaay better than 2 days after a c-section. Which is not to frighten anyone, a c-section is totally survivable, but this way is easier afterwards, I will say.

And in case anyone is wondering if you can have latch challenges on your second kid, yes. Yes you can.

More later, I hear baby noises.

Much love,

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