Monday, September 17, 2012

High Finance, Drama, and Breastmilk!

Hello Dear Readers!

So, this morning, I had a very exciting work opportunity, to present to our decision making committee. It came about somewhat suddenly and I've been going mach 2 with my hair on fire getting ready for a couple weeks. This is a high profile assignment, and my first opportunity to speak to this committee since we merged with a larger company.

You can tell where I'm going with this, can't you? Well, in case y'all are anxious like me, let me spoil the ending - everything turns out okay.

So I get up nice and early (for once) to get to work nice and early (for once) while still leaving Hubby Matt the car to do some grocery shopping (thanks honey!) that I just didn't make happen this weekend. Technically that's my job, the way we've divided things up, but I finished my meal planning and list making this morning, and that's the part that he really doesn't want to do (and where I have the comparative advantage anyway, says EconoDork Mama Suzi). (Aren't you glad I spoiled the ending? I mean how much more annoying would my tangential babbling be if you were wondering if I sprung a leak in the middle of my presentation? Which I did not.) Anyway the material point of this paragraph is that I last nursed Jackie at like 5, 5:30 this morning.

As usual, our monthly Fancy Committee meeting ran long. Like longer than I anticipated. And I'm at the end of the agenda. And I usually nurse Jackie around 6:30 or 7. So I'm starting to worry... check time on phone, check agenda, try to surreptitiously check breasts for fullness, pretending that I'm just cold and crossing my arms.... write note on boss's papers next to me, "Got to take a mama break, back 20-25 minutes." He nods sympathetically, with a hopeful but perhaps slightly worried look... ZOOM! Walk briskly to that office! Set up that PJ's Comfort! Massage those breasts! Apply that coconut oil! Dial in to that conference call - MUTE IT FOR GOD's SAKE! Okay now... relax. FAST! No really, relax. Oh, okay. Deep breaths. Neck stretches. Listen to the fascinating asset allocation discussion... ahhh.... look out window at pretty view, think about cute baby... she's so cute, you know, and when I came out of the bathroom this morning she was peeking like a little prairie dog over the edge of the Pack-n-Play next to the bed... ARE WE DONE YET? No, of course not. More full from not nursing since 5:30. Argh. Relax.... still not on the second to last agenda item... now we are... but the girls are done! Okay, GO GO GO! Store that breastmilk (totally could have just left it on my desk and closed the door, but anyway). Button up that shirt. Grab materials. Dash to fridge, put milk away. Dash back to conference room. WAIT. deep breath. Look down. Shirt on? No weird drips or coconut oil? Okay, good. Composure. I am a calm, confident woman, and I know this presentation flat. Go in.

"Any other questions? Well then Suzanne, you're just in time." "Ah, fabulous. So, I'm sure you all looked at our pretty charts and graphs..." Deep breaths, speak slowly.

And our proposed product passes! WHEEE!

Seriously who needs to be a cat-suit clad international woman of mystery when you've got a financial calculator and a breastpump? And I firmly believe the universe is on the side of the mamas.

Much love,

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