Friday, October 19, 2012

Old Friends

Hello Dear Boobjuicers and Friends!

This week finds Suzi and team back in the old stomping grounds of suburban Maryland. When we locals say "suburban Maryland," we mean suburbs of DC, not Baltimore. I don't know why, it's a thing. But I'm in the area where I was born and raised and schooled (very well, thank you Montgomery County), staying with one of my longest-standing and dearest friends, RG. We started off costuming for the high school theatre group (I used up all my sewing interest for my lifetime). We sang together in choir. We cried over dumb boys together (don't we always pick the dumb ones for years before we figure it out and pick nice, smart partners [hopefully] for longer-term coupling?). I can tell her anything. And do.

So of course Robert puked on the floor this morning. I came up from changing Jackie to find Matt comforting Robert and Rachel cleaning up the fallout. Nothing like staying with other parents to minimize the horror of parenthood. This is after we had dinner at the house of some other dear friends, with an 18 month old girl, and we arrived with Jackie having blown out both ends of her diaper with some traveler's diarrhea. So we went straight to the changing table, stripped her clothes into a plastic bag, and I essentially gave her a sponge bath with baby wipes.

I remember going out to dinner with friends, trying fancy drinks, eating amazing food, going to movies, having book club discussions, staying up late into the night talking and laughing and having selfish, delicious fun. My life is so much richer now than before my kids. But when you're washing poop out of baby jeans and vomit out of preschooler t-shirts, sometimes one gets a little nostalgic.

Anyway today I am so, so grateful for my dear and wonderful friends. I hope you all are so richly blessed as I have been to have these amazing people in my life and my heart.

Much love,

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