Friday, July 26, 2013

Royal Cuteness, Brave Duchess

Hello Beloved Boobjuicers and Friends!

So I have a (in my not quite as humble as it should be opinion) fantastic blog post on milk sharing all drafted up, but I need to comment on Young George, born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (a FINE hamlet in which I spent a DELIGHTFUL summer of '94, but I digress). There are a lot of things I have to say.

One. Duchess Kate, AKA Kate Middleton, looks FANTASTIC. She is glowing with joy and beaming with pride, as she should be. George was NOT SMALL, at eight pounds and six ounces (so obviously anyone who fussed that she didn't gain enough waits may now apologize to the new mama). Well discussed here. She is showing her beautiful, magical belly (dude it just GREW a PERSON thankyouverymuch), not hiding it under some tent or behind strategically placed diaper bags. And that is a fabulous dress and she looks PERFECT. I have had a GLASS of WINE and have become quite LIBERAL with the ALL CAPS. Forgive me. I am NOT SHOUTING, merely EXUDING ENTHUSIASM. Right, anyway.

Okay two. She is reported to be breastfeeding. Huzzah! As illustrated in this amazing spoken poem by another brave and beautiful British mama, Holly McNish, the Duchess lives in a country which might be even more uptight about using breasts for feeding babies than my beloved homeland. (Seriously people, if you never click on any other links I ever post, watch that one. That poem makes me tear up every single time I watch it. I'm over four years into my nursing story and this HITS HOME.) (Oops, more all caps.) So point being. What a powerful example to send. I am praying and praying she will nurse in public. Even with a cover it would be such a powerful message to send. We need leadership like hers (and lots of other amazing publicly nursing celebrity mamas) to show that breasts are first and foremost for feeding babies and woman who choose to do so have nothing to hide.

Three. She chose her health care providers, reportedly, according to her wishes, not Royal Tradition. In this case, that meant OBs in a hospital. British health service standard is a midwife at home. I think you all know or can guess where I stand on midwifery versus the medical model of care. But even more important than that, to me, is informed consent and mothers' rights. She wants an OB, the Queen's gynocologist, a hospital, and a phalanx of nurses? Good on ya, Duchess. Have at it. She must be allowed to choose the birth setup in which she feels most comfortable, in order to maximize her odds of a healthy birth, healthy baby, and amazing, soul-touching transition from pregnancy to mamahood. As should every mom.

So here's the bottom line. This new mama is BRAVE. With every freaking camera in the British Empire trained on her, she's showing her tummy. She's nursing. She's choosing the birth she wants (it would seem). I hope she is able to maintain her bravery through those nerve-wracking early weeks and months, when incognito mamas have seemingly 100 unsolicited opinions per topic. The Duchess, you can be sure, will have a thousand times more flung at her.

I would LOVE five minutes with this mama. and not just because I love sniffing adorable new babies. SOOOO CUTE. Oops. I stopped after one glass but then I had ice cream. Anyway, if I got just one minute, I would say:

"Thank you for your brave choices. Keep trusting your instincts. As for the help you want, turn down the help you don't want. Get as much support as you can, real support not just a zillion staffers running about. And know that you are AMAZING and doing a wonderful job."

Now a quick digression. I'm hearing a lot of snarky attitude about the attention that His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge has received in the press and from the public. In pointing out that no baby is more important than any other, they are of course quite right. But I think they are missing the real points here. What a fantastic opportunity to open discussions on prenatal care, birthing choices, post-partum support, breastfeeding, and parenting. And further, what is more hopeful than a healthy baby born to loving parents?  This is a wonderful time to turn away from the news of economic uncertainty, disease, starvation, scandal, blah blah blah, and say, "Wow, that's really wonderful. I think I'll go hug my kids/partner/best friend."

Much love to the Duchess, the Duke, His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge,
and as always much love to all of you,

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