Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cleverness, Cuteness, and Then Not So Much

Hello Dear Readers!

I'm feeling terribly clever at the moment. I noticed a spot of Something Suspicious in one of the more complicated, labyrinthine parts of my PJ's Comfort just now, at work. Couldn't get it all the way out with a straightened paperclip, even under hot running water. So I just nuked it in a mug of water for a couple minutes. Whatever it is, now it's sterile!

Also, I must share that Jackie is really adorable searching for a boob in bed with her eyes closed and her tongue out. "aaaaahhh?"

Lastly, I want to express how frustrated, frightened, and angry I feel watching our legislators, supposedly educated men, trivialize and misunderstand rape and resultant pregnancies. Lots of folks rightly point out that when our legislative body is overwhelmingly composed of one sub-set of the population (crusty old white guys), you get skewed policy. I want for my daughter a world where a bunch of crusty old white guys would still understand how human reproduction works and that rape is rape is rape, is horrible, is much too common, and is not the victim's fault or responsibility. Ever. Why aren't we there yet? Totally unacceptible.

Much love,

PS - this post is another great example of the constantly conflicting impulses in my brain, like the previous post points out, leading to the crazy. Or at least the stressed and anxious.

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