Saturday, September 29, 2012

Why Breasts Are Sexy

That ought to wake some folks up, yes?

I realize the people who really need this post aren't reading it. But maybe we can get this point out into the general population.

Breasts are sexy BECAUSE they are for feeding children.

As little mammals, programmed deep in our DNA to make copies of ourselves, we are often, indeed I might hazard to say mostly, attracted to features in mates which say "I will help you make lots of healthy copies of yourself." Curvy hips? Room for babies. Healthy skin, hair, strong muscles? Healthy parent, lots of good DNA. Strong muscles also says good provider, feed the babies. As do luscious breasts. Unfortunately we have divorced breasts from babies in our society, to the detriment of both. But when you make peace with their biological purpose, you can make room for the fact that breasts are for sexual pleasure AND nourishing offspring.

I am attracted to a lot more in my husband than all the delicious healthy baby advertising features which I will not describe on this blog (because he would feel shy, I think, but suffice to say he has them in spades). He's smart, he's kind, he's funny, he's interesting, he's handsome (wandering back towards healthy babies perhaps...) We are MORE than just mammals looking to make copies of ourselves. Obviously sex is for more than procreation. This is also evolutionary genius. Make it yummy, good for you, fun, and the little creatures will want to do it a lot. To make more babies. Not all of us want little copies of ourselves pooping on the furniture and crashing the minivan. But deep in our core, that drive is very, very strong.

So if a mama chooses not to breastfeed, or can't, am I saying her boobs aren't hot? This is such a ridiculous suggestion I hate to dignify it, but someone's going to ask. After a man has a vasectomy, is his penis less desirable? Are we done with that now? Okay thanks.

Last caveat. I can just hear someone saying this is a not gay-bi-trans-friendly post. I sincerely hope it does not come across that way. My heart is rainbow striped. Gay sex is obviously just as natural as straight sex, just ask the cute gay penguins, or George Takei. Perhaps one of our lovely lavender friends will leave a comment analyzing my point in the context of the wonderful variety of human sexuality. I am clearly not qualified to do so. I do know some pretty hot gay breastfeeding mamas though.

I love and celebrate you all.

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