Friday, October 16, 2009

Totally Mom-Focused Reasons to Breastfeed

1.) So. Cuddly. I get the baby all to myself, can even take him back from extended family with less arguing than other times and get to cuddle him alllll to myself. Hahahahahaha.
2.) Burn off pregnancy fat. Totally helps. Something like 500 calories a day. Even if I had the time I wouldn't spend that long on the elliptical trainer.
3.) Less risk of breast cancer. Although who knows, scientific studies contradict each other all the time.
4.) Gee, honey, I seem to have forgotten something before I started nursing again, would you mind bringing me...
5.) Keep those great pregnancy boobs a little longer.
6.) Healthier baby means less getting puked on, driving to the pediatrician, etc.
7.) (fluff feathers, wiggle tail) Hey, check out that cute, thriving baby. I did that with my boobs! (Strut, strut.)
8.) No marginal cost per bottle (I can't put "free," I'm too big of an Economics dork)
9.) Totally portable, no accessories needed. Okay, maybe a shawl if you're not here in Cali where we can get away with brazen breastfeeding.
10.) Oxytocin is good stuff. Courses through the system like peace on Earth when the baby gets the girls going.
11.) Instant peace for (from?) wailing baby.
11.a) amusing sound when putting wailing baby to breast: WHHHHAAAAAAAOOB. I suspect this is where the word "boob" came from.
12.) Every morning before work, no matter how busy work will be, or how late I might be running, I get to hold my baby quietly by myself for at least a few minutes.

Feel free to help me add to this list...

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