Hello Dear Boobjuicers and Friends!
I am officially unemployed! My last day at my job of 6 1/2 years was Friday, and here it is Monday, and I'm home alone with the Kiddo. Which I did on Saturday, too, as hubby is doing a five day video shoot while we're packing to move out of state. My suggestion. I'm an idiot. But he's really excited and it's very important that he get to do what feeds his soul too, like me. I think I could have planned it a little better though, but so be it.
So after spending Saturday at home alone with Kiddo all day, I have to say: How the everloving crap do you stay-at-home parents do this? Good gravy! I was so tired by the end of the day, and I couldn't figure out why. Several times during the day I felt really stressed and frazzled, and found myself trying to figure out how to get some help. But then I would think about it, and realize - dude, I'm just sitting here. Crawling around behind the kid, taking various potentially dangerous objects away from him, or him away from them, or changing his diaper, or holding him in my lap while I pee (I'm open to alternatives on this one ladies but if he's not putting up with the exersaucer, bouncy seat, or crib, I just figure, one hand for kid, one hand for bathroom activities) - anyway, whatever I'm doing, it's not like I'm dodging live fire or getting yelled at by an employer or a customer or evading a traffic accident. Much of the time it isn't even that loud. And yet I felt really stressed and really bored all at once. And then I would feel guilty for feeling that way - shouldn't I be just overjoyed to have all this time alone with my kiddo? Of course it might be a little easier to feel that way if I wasn't trying to sort and pack all my cares and woes at the same time. But there would always be dishes, and cooking, and tidying...
Okay, to be fair, I'm overstating the matter. I *have* done this before - hubby has gone on shoots or social outings, and I do fine. I do better with errands than with sitting at home. I do best when I manage some walks and some social engagements. So it's not like I can't imagine ever figuring out how I would do this. If I had to. But I'm glad I don't have to. I really do better with the contrast between breadwinning work and mommying work, rather than too much of either. And I hope I remember that the next time I sit down to strap on Bessie and get pumping!
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