Saturday, April 2, 2011

Nurse 'em Here, Nurse 'em There, Nurse Those Kiddos Anywhere!

Hello Dear Boobjuicers and Friends!

Just a few quick random items today. I'm working on my first Boobjuice Heroes profile, having interviewed one of my personal heroes for this inaugural missive. Meanwhile, check out this interactive nursing law map.

I am frequently annoyed that mamas have been asked to move from a public spot when caught feeding their kids the best food possible, when we all know if they were giving baby manufactured "food" from a bottle they would be allowed to stay. Grrr. Latest one I heard of was the Walker art center in Minneapolis. Where there are no doubt lots of sculpted and painted bare breasts. The irony here would be amusing if I wasn't so exasperated for my friend. We may call for a nurse in, with extra points for nursing next to said nudes. Stay tuned.

Plus I was in Ikea today, one of the kid friendliest places EVER - they get an A-. Why the minus? They should have a non-bathroom designated nursing area, with two setups for nursing mamas in comfy chairs (which of course are for sale - a good capitalist never misses an opportunity to help customers realize how comfortable their products are, and Robert was nursed in a Poing about a bazillion times.) and some toys for older siblings. Not that a brazen boobjuicer like me couldn't just plop down in one of the existing displays and nurse, but a little tucked away nook would be better for more modest mamas, with catalogues for mama to look through while nursing, and if they want a gold star, a water fountain and paper cups. (Are you listening, o brilliant Scandinavian furniture purveyors? I am your biggest fan. Make me love you even more.) Also, not boobjuice related, but I want that cafeteria in my office building. I like the salad with the little shrimp on top.

But I digress. Nurse 'em where you got 'em ladies!

And lastly, some shopping fun - sexy nursing bras! No, really! Mama A.D. swears by 'em. I'm looking forward to buying some in October.

Happy nursing ANYWHERE YOU WANT everyone!

Much love,


  1. I have nursed both my babies at various times in Ikea in the dining area. No one batted an eye.

  2. You and Ikea both rock. For more shy mamas, though, I still think they are missing an opportunity.
