Monday, November 8, 2010

The Beginning of the End?

Hello Dear Boobjuicers and Friends!

So, earlier than expected, I think my little dude is weaning.* A couple weeks ago when we did our normal bedtime routine and I said "Do you want Boo?" (Boo is what he started calling breastmilk, short for boobjuice no doubt.) He said, "no." and went about choosing books and walking about his room. That night he eventually changed his mind, but I was trying very hard not to try to talk him in to it, or to cry, since of course he didn't do anything wrong and I didn't want him to think he had. But last night, Hubby was doing bedtime (and I was lying in the grown up bed because I am sick as a dog with a headcold right now, fun) and then he came to tell me Kiddo was asleep. "Oh, no, nursing!" I said in my groggy, just-wakened state. Hubby explained that he had asked if Kiddo had wanted boo, and Kiddo had said no and insisted instead that he wanted to be put in his old carseat (which he has outgrown for carseat purposes) and rocked, and that Hubby must close the door.

So we'll see what happens tonight. I dealt with a lot of the sadness the first night he almost didn't nurse, including lots of crying and reading (of course I have a stack of books on my bedside table about breastfeeding, including one on weaning, I hope to review it when I'm done), and trying to explain to Hubby that his very sweet and well-intended attempts to talk me out of being upset were just going to get him in trouble, and this was one of those "sympathetic quiet nod" moments of being a husband. Last night wasn't quite as sad, perhaps because of that first almost-end and perhaps because I am so sick right now I didn't have the energy to be upset. At any rate, I am starting to feel ready to get to work on Kiddo #2, which is assuaging my grief somewhat. And some part of me is pretty excited about the convenience of being able to be away from Kiddo for a night or two without hassle - it's going to make business travel a LOT easier! But our boobjuice partnership has been such a wonderful blessing, and whether it's now or in the future, I'll be sad to see it end, even while I'm relieved and proud and in wonder at my little guy growing up.

Happy Boobjuicing!

*Yes, I know that the minute I put anything other than a breast in Kiddo's mouth was the official beginning of the weaning process. Here I am using the more common definition of the term to mean the end of breastfeeding.


  1. i cried when it ended too. i had to go out of town for a week when anais was 13 months, so it was kind of a natural time for us to end, and she wasn't nursing much anymore, just at night. however, when i came home she was back into it, we nursed another week, and then we were really done. it doesn't have to be a clean ending, it can linger a bit too :) hugs to you. it's a big moment when he's ready to go into the next phase, for both of you!

  2. :( I know I'm only a new momma, but one of the best parts of motherhood (to me) is breastfeeding. I feel so close and happy whenever I nurse. I realize all babies grow up but I'll be crying too when it comes time to say goodbye to breastfeeding.

  3. Honestly, I sometimes wish my little guy would wean. He's now 2 years old and still going strong -- asking for "num-num" as often as 8 times a day. Several months ago, we went through a period where I thought he was self-weaning. Then we went on a long vacation and he became even more dependent on the num-num and never looked back. I always said I'd just let him lead the way and wean when he was ready, but lately, I'm starting to feel enslaved and a little resentful. It used to be such a nice, sweet time, but now it's just exhausting! He's a very acrobatic nurser and enjoys popping on and off for chit chat. Good luck to you either way!
